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Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Sweet Little Angel Babe

I LOVE, love, LOve taking portraits of tiny little squishy, pink-skinned, soft & cuddly infants.  This little darling was a particular favorite.  She was just as cute and sweet as could be.  They are only this small for such a brief time.  Please do not miss out on capturing the first few weeks of life.

INFANT Portraits are taken within the first 14 days of birth.  CALL me when you deliver to set up an appointment.    610.429.3715.  

I look forward to creating a beautiful, timeless portrait of you infant.

The BLURRY BEach Baby

This is the perfect image of Cora at the beach.  So happy, and running around chasing the "birdies".

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beach Baby!!!

There is nothing quite as precious or facinating as watching a young child experience the sand and the sea.
This happens to be the cutest baby in the world...our grand daughter.  She is such a beach baby.  My hubby Joe a.k.a. Pappou (Pooh, as Cora calls him) assisted with this photoshoot. His main job was to make sure that Cora did not run straight into the water before I was able to get a few good shots.  He did a fairly good job. But after 10 minutes, all that "posing" stuff was history.  Running as fast as her chubby little legs could carry her, she was off to the ocean's edge with Pooh running close behind.  It was a day that neither Pooh nor I will ever forget.  Precious memories with our precious grand baby.

I am now an official resident of Brigantine and offer stunning Beach Portraiture.  The fall is the perfect time to create these cherished images.  Call for an appointment... 610.429.3715