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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas...and Happy New Year BABY!

One of Life's greatest treasures is having a grandchild.  This is our granddaughter, and she is a gift.  Of course, I am excited because I get to document her life through images. She is 10 months old already!  I love going through the pictures I have created of her, looking back at each stage of her babyhood.  Such precious memories.  I encourage you to think about investing in fine art photography to document your child's life, and other important events.  It is a gift you give yourself now, and one which will be cherished for generations to come.  Hope you had a wonderful holiday.  Peace, Health and Happiness always.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ADORABLE CORA Belle ~ the cutest baby EVER!

Wow, it has been so long since I have posted.  Last weekend I had a photo shoot with this darling little 10 month old.  She is wearing a headpiece designed by EOE Jewelry (Essence of Elegance Jewelry).  

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cowgirl Boots & Cowgirl Hat Do Not a Cowgirl Make!

Last night my hubby Joe and I met up with a good friend of ours who has two beautiful horses, Sierra and Romeo.  Loving horses, and wanting to wear my new cowgirl boots that Joe bought me for my birthday this year, I jumped at the opportunity when Doug asked me riding.  "Yep...sure, I've been riding before", I stated.  "I love horses!"  So up at 6:00 am this morning, and out to the barn I went, all decked out in my cowgirl hat, cowgirl boots and a courderoy long sleeve shirt which looked very cowgirlish.  I looked like the real deal.  After we saddled up, we rode around the pasture for a bit, then off into "big-boy" country... Open fields and wooded areas...looking for wild mushrooms.   I was riding Sierra, a very sweet natured 'Ole Girl who did not even need a bridle.  The slightest command with the reins and she obeyed.  I was  feeling fairly confident. As we approached the entrance to the 300 acre preserve, I notice a very, very large tree trunk blocking the entrance to the path.  " are we gonna get through there?, I asked.  "Don't worry, Sierra doesn't like to jump" said Doug. He assured me she would step right over the tree trunk.  As we approached, I could feel that she may be thinking of jumping, especially since Romeo had just effortlessly taken the leap.  It was a matter of pride, ya know? Well, you can guess what happened next.  Yep, she jumped, and off I went.... hat a-flying, Maui Jim's a-flying, and Helen a-flying, right into the wooded underbrush, landing on my hip.  OUCH!!!  I did not move right away.  I thought I broke my rib, as it was painful to breathe.  Sierra did not run, she actually stood there looking as shocked as me.  She definitely did not mean for things to end that way, although I think she was feeling proud of herself for showing Romeo she could jump Unfortunately, my fall ended the day.  I did get back up on Sierra (YES I DID!) and rode part of the way back to the barn before dismounting and walking the rest of the way. What did I learn?   Cowgirl Boots & Cowgirl hat do not
Cowgirl Make!  

A picture of my boots, and my new friend, Sierra (her shy pose).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Perfect Twins...Brother & Sister

Every day I stop and acknowledge just how great my job is!!!  Working with infants is such an honor, and a tremendous leap of faith for new parents...I mean, they don't know if I really know what I am doing (but I do!).  Even though, they hand over their brand new babies (less than 10 days old) and entrust me to carefully pose & photograph them. This trust means everything to me...and to getting the shot.  So, here is the result of brand new parents who entrusted me with their darling, precious twins.  ADORABLE & POWERFUL.  

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Cora Sweet-Pea

Babies bring incredible JOY to Life.  I love photographing infants.  THey are adorable, squishy and they smell like baby lotion!!!  Love that smell.  THey do GROW & change Soooo much in the first several months of I encourage you to capture these most wonderful, precious moments.   Call the studio and book an infant session, within two weeks of this post and receive a free 8x12 print (with min. order).

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Babies and Bows

Our new baby grandchild...she is perfectly sweet and adorable.  My very best wishes to all new parents who have adorable new babies.  They're the best!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Sweetest Angel Baby

There is nothing more precious or amazing than a brand new baby.  So small, so sweet, so precious.  This baby is EXTRA special because.... she is our new grandchild.  Her name is Cora.  She is perfect!