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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Another image from my most recent "Model" shoot.  Even if your pre-teen is not planning on a modeling career, it is fun to book a shoot and capture them at this age.  

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Natural Beauty

I just love photographing pre-teens. This darl'in is the daughter of my best friend...which makes me her "Aunt". She is just as sweet as she is beautiful. This session was booked for a modeling portfolio....and was the first time Grace was in front of the camera. Quite a natural, don't you think? I added some enhancements to jazz up the image and quite like the effect. Would love to know your thoughts.

Anecdote & Quote of the WEEK:
My father was an great source of inspiration to me. A quiet man, with many talents. He seemed to have an jest for learning, and the things he was passionate about, he did really, really well. In our last days together I asked him his thoughts on the goal of life. He simply answered....
"to have no regrets... Life is short....Pursue your passion with ENDLESS determination". Several weeks later he passed away. That same year, I enrolled to study photography. How rich and rewarding the journey has been.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

From the Heart

The perfect image? I didn't think so. As a matter of fact, I did not initially present this image as a viable selection to the mother. But somehow, during the preview, it came up on the screen. The mom gasped...she LOVED the light, and the curious way about her child. What could I say? In silent reluctance I worked the image, and this is what resulted. I am reminded that through deep love and admiration, parents are able to see things in their child that sometimes others don't. I trusted her that there was something special in this image. She was right. Her heart told her so.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Beautiful Bodies...

It is always special to photograph mothers-to-be.  I just love finding that special pose or lighting effect that best captures their emotion of carrying that tiny life inside.   

Don't be shy or self conscious...BELIEVE  me, pregnant bodies are beautiful!  I promise you will look stunning...and you will feel special.  Please call the studio to book your appointment. 610.429.3715.  

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Happy New Year! It has been a long time since I have shared new has been so busy. This little guy is adorable, and happens to melt my heart every time I see him. He is so sweet and happy...not to mention squishable! These are some images from his "Birthday Bash" photo shoot. FUN!