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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Santa Baby

This is by far the most adorable santa baby I have ever seen!!!! He is the sweetest little guy too.  Amazingly Cute!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

FABuLoUs Day with FabULoUs Kids

Today was one FABULOUS day.  I had the pleasure of photographing these three amazing kids.  They were game for just about anything...including climbing trees!!!  Kate proves that you can climb trees in Maryjanes!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Darling Siblings

This is one of many awesome images from a shoot this weekend.  These kids were great...we had a blast dressing up.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dark Hedges

I have just returned from traveling through Ireland.  What an amazingly beautiful country.  These trees are fairly well known, at least by photographers, who seek them out.  We learned of the "dark hedges" from the proprietors of a darling bed and breakfast in Portrush, Northern Ireland.  These are 300 year old beech trees that have grown into a canopy over the road.  It is AMAZING.  Hopefully this image will give you    a sense of this magical creation of nature.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cute as a Chipmunk!!!! Infrared Photoshop Effect

Wow!  It has been some time since I have posted.  I am working on a series of images which lend themselves to the grainy infrared look.  I think this is the perfect image for this effect.  It helps that the little model is cute as a chipmunk...with her two shiny new baby teeth!  I could just squish her!

Monday, September 14, 2009

INFANT MODEL CALL !!! Don't Miss this Fantastic Opportunity

Fun, fun and more fun!!!!  The studio is looking for InFANT  Models.... new little babies 14 days or younger.  Call the studio at 610.429.3715 to get the details. The first 10 to schedule a session get a VERY special gift.   

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Maternity Images - a Gift Forever

I can not impress upon expectant moms how special it is to have a maternity portrait taken to document this very special time of your life.  These images are so beautiful an will be cherished by your children as they grow older.  This particular image was processed using a technique that I learned during a recent workshop.  It takes awhile to accomplish, but the outcome is a soft and feminine portrait.  To give you a little the studio today and you will receive a special gift for booking an appointment.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Try and TRY AGaiN...and AGain..and AGAIN!

OK, so heres the truth.  Babies do not pose....not for anything.  They are wiggly, squirmy and have very little patience, especially when you keep putting the same oversized hat on their head.  Certainly I can not take full credit for this image.  If the mom was not seriously assisting, this image would have been IMPOSSIBLE to capture.  The second the hat got lowered, this baby girl had just swooshed it off her was amazing. But with patience and a keen plan, we got it! So, thanks Michelle for assisting to create this darling image of your ADORABLE baby girl!   

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Darling Rebecca

I truly adore my little babies and always feel so honored and happy to be able to photograph them.   This little girl was simply amazing.  She is a happy child...always smiling and laughing. This is my vintage color processing, which I really love.  It creates an old-time feeling and adds an emotional depth to the image.   

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Keepsake Photo Club

The Keepsake Photo Club is an easy way to have others contribute to your child's keepsake photo box.  Images are pre-selected by you from sessions that can take place over the course of one....or many years.  Grandparents, godparents and other significant people in your child's life can purchase these pre-selected images , helping to grow the  collection over time.  By young adulthood, your child will have a collectionof images that they, and you, will cherish and enjoy forever.

Document your child's life....and your life as a family.   Give the gift that will be cherished for generations to come.....give the gift of fine art portraiture.

To find out more, just e-mail me through my website, and I will send you the details.  

 Document Life. 

Monday, May 25, 2009


Everyday I try to think of those who wear the uniform and the sacrifices they make so that I can live my comfy life here in West Chester.  And every memorial day, I think of my good friend Harry McGinness, a Vietnam veteran who is no longer on this earth.  Harry was man of remarkable accomplishment (though you would never hear it from his mouth).  He was tall, handsome and had that military charisma about him.  He loved to tell stories (usually war stories) and laugh (usually at himself).  I will never forget seeing Harry one Tuesday after Memorial Day.  I asked him how his "holiday" was.  He told me he went to see his buddy's in Washington, D.C.  "How nice", I said.  Then, like a waterfall his tears began to fall. He stood there sobbing, with no embarrassment, no caution.   Just pure emotion.  Real. Honest. Painful. He cried as if it were yesterday that he lost his friends in the war.  He went on to tell me what each of them meant to him...and the time they saved his life.  He touched their names on The Wall, and remembered.  Harry changed my perspective on the meaning of this day.  For that, I am forever thankful.   

Here's to you Harry...and Dad, and every other veteran who has served our country and who serves now.  THANK YOU.... a million times, thank you

True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.” ~unknown

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Believe it or not...Little Boys can be Angels Too!  And this little guy is one of them.  

Saturday, May 16, 2009

ADORABLE Curious ADAM - Happy Birthday!!

Today I had a blast photographing this sweet little guy.  He was great...very curious and smart and was motoring all over.  He kept wanting to peer behind the backdrop to see what other good things there were to play with.   I absolutely love to apply "vintage" color to these types of images.  It gives them an old time feel, and adds a softeness that is perfect for babies.  Love his chubbly little cheeks and toes....SQUISH!!!!! 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Post

Attached is a recent picture I took of my three handsome step sons with their father.  Each of my step sons are so very different from the other, and  I have a unique relationship with each.   I feel closest to my youngest step son, David (third in from left to right).  I suppose that is because he was so young when I became part of his life.  We were able to really know eachother and create memories together. I care very deeply for all three of my step sons and want to say,  "love you guys!"  


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Welcome Angel Baby

Last week I had the sheer joy and privelage of photographing a 10 day old infant boy. He was just the cutest little thing. This is the image the parents selected for his birth announcement. How cute!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Heirloom Portraits

For those of you who are not familiar with my background....I was a black and white film only girl...until several years ago. That is when I added digital capture to my skill set. I must say, I was smitten. It is not only the immediate gratification of the image capture, but the endless image enhancements available in photoshop. Here is an image I took several years ago now. I love the expression on this child's face. Through some minor enhancement, the total feeling of the image changed. I thought the original image was beautiful...but with the enhancement (done by a master printer and photoshop guru (no, not me!), the image is so much more powerful. I consider this image an Heirloom portrait. It has a more formal feel, and a vintage look. This image in a beautiful ornate frame will make a lasting keepsake, for generations to come.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello Ms. Fancy-pants!!

Tonight I was looking through some images and came across this one. It instantly made me smile. There is nothing more heart-warming than a confident little baby who has just learned to 8 months! She was so proud of herself. There she was prancing around in her hand-made fancy pants...happy as could be. You go girl!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Elegant Beauty

I think this image perfectly captures the love and affection this mother has for her baby, and how she feels about herself carrying this tiny life inside.  Her expression is so powerful.  She is so radiant and incredibly beautiful.  

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chubby Cherib

OK, how cute is she!!!  I never get tired of being around babies...with their chubby little legs and dimpled fingers.  They are absolutely edible....especially those little toes!!  

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun and Fabulous

This shoot was incredibly fun. Krista is an aspiring model and rightfully so...she is beautiful. There are many other images from this shoot that were equally as powerful, but this was one of my personal favorites. Krista is wearing custom jewelry by Essence of Elegance ~ Angela Chen.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Different Feeling

This week I was determined to learn a new photoshop technique...just for the fun of it.  I happened upon this effect, and I was quite intrigued.  It really offered a very different feeling to the same image.  I have posted the same image from last week, with a different crop, and a textured feel.  I like does create a different feeling.  Your thoughts?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Another image from my most recent "Model" shoot.  Even if your pre-teen is not planning on a modeling career, it is fun to book a shoot and capture them at this age.  

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Natural Beauty

I just love photographing pre-teens. This darl'in is the daughter of my best friend...which makes me her "Aunt". She is just as sweet as she is beautiful. This session was booked for a modeling portfolio....and was the first time Grace was in front of the camera. Quite a natural, don't you think? I added some enhancements to jazz up the image and quite like the effect. Would love to know your thoughts.

Anecdote & Quote of the WEEK:
My father was an great source of inspiration to me. A quiet man, with many talents. He seemed to have an jest for learning, and the things he was passionate about, he did really, really well. In our last days together I asked him his thoughts on the goal of life. He simply answered....
"to have no regrets... Life is short....Pursue your passion with ENDLESS determination". Several weeks later he passed away. That same year, I enrolled to study photography. How rich and rewarding the journey has been.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

From the Heart

The perfect image? I didn't think so. As a matter of fact, I did not initially present this image as a viable selection to the mother. But somehow, during the preview, it came up on the screen. The mom gasped...she LOVED the light, and the curious way about her child. What could I say? In silent reluctance I worked the image, and this is what resulted. I am reminded that through deep love and admiration, parents are able to see things in their child that sometimes others don't. I trusted her that there was something special in this image. She was right. Her heart told her so.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Beautiful Bodies...

It is always special to photograph mothers-to-be.  I just love finding that special pose or lighting effect that best captures their emotion of carrying that tiny life inside.   

Don't be shy or self conscious...BELIEVE  me, pregnant bodies are beautiful!  I promise you will look stunning...and you will feel special.  Please call the studio to book your appointment. 610.429.3715.  

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Happy New Year! It has been a long time since I have shared new has been so busy. This little guy is adorable, and happens to melt my heart every time I see him. He is so sweet and happy...not to mention squishable! These are some images from his "Birthday Bash" photo shoot. FUN!